Thursday, August 28, 2008

Color Choices


What do you think of color choices do you go along with seasonal identification like in the book "Color me beautiful"?



I think “Color Me Beautiful” is a great place for people to start. I have had “my colors done” and am a Winter. A lot of the colors outlined for me I never thought I could wear but when I tried them on I was blown away by how great they looked. One such color was navy. I still can’t get over how good I look in navy (lol). I also think its important to branch out and try new colors and try new things. Every season there are new colors introduced by pantone that are naturally not on a “colors” list.

What I think is important is to figure out what’s going to compliment your skin tone. Everyone has different undertones to their skin and when a color has that same undertone it’s really going to make you pop. I know if I put on any color with a pink or blue undertone I look and feel great.

I also think it’s important to trust your gut. There are some colors that you put on and you just feel yucky all day or feel like you look bad. When you come across those colors, clearly avoid them like heck!

I’m a huge fan of experimentation and don’t believe in trapping yourself in a box with that being said I do think that “Color Me Beautiful” is a valid starting place. As you figure out what looks good on you and what works you will naturally be drawn to certain colors and will fill your wardrobe up with them. You definitely want to keep a range of colors and not just settle into one or two. In my closet you will find a wide range of browns, blues, pinks and purples. I try to run the gamut in those color families.

I hope I helped! As always have fun trying new things and seeing what’s going to make you look your best!



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